キングストン・トリオの創設者の一人、Bob Shane が先ごろ亡くなりました。85歳だったとのことです。
奥さんの Bobbie が Bob Shane の名前で投稿した Facebook で判明したものですが、詳細は今のところ不明。Bob Shane の誕生日を Facebook 上で、お祝いしているときのニュースでした。
以下、Bobbie の投稿全文(写真も Facebook より転載)
Bobbie here, of course. All the posts and texts I have seen and received today have been really wonderful and have been incredibly uplifting. It's like a celebration of Bob's life has begun. I wanted you to know that Bob was still smiling and laughing up until a few days before the end. He was a happy man, despite his challenges of the last few years. His passing was extremely peaceful. Hospice of the Valley gave him really good tender loving care. I am planning a memorial service for Bob sometime in April, here in Phoenix. I will keep you posted on that, but I hope as many people want to come, will come. Also, Bob's obituary will appear in the Washington Post tomorrow evening. You can find it online when it appears. You know Bob loved you all and really enjoyed his life. We will definitely celebrate it. I am attaching one of the last photos I took of Bob. It was on Christmas day, and he had his hands in his two favorite things - Topsy's popcorn and a tin of pecans. Just like him. Thank you all so much.
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